
Ewan McGregor sends fans crazy at Sydney Film Festival

SYDNEY was abuzz on Sunday night as Ewan hit the red carpet for the Australian premiere of his film The Ghost Writer. MY DEAR EWAN greeted a large crowd of cheering fans outside the State Theatre, taking time to stop for autographs and photos before speaking to media.

Directed by Roman Polanski, the political thriller features Ewan as a ghost writer hired to write the former British prime minister's memoirs and who starts to uncover more than he is meant to. Also starring Pierce Brosnan and Kim Cattrall, tickets to The Ghost Writer have been some of the most hotly contested in the Sydney Film Festival, even before Ewan's announced visit. Sunday night's showing played to a full house and the second screening on Monday was also sold out. Australian stars including Barry Otto, Hugo Weaving and Catherine Martin were at the premiere, while it was hard not to miss Miranda Otto who graced the red carpet in a vibrant orange dress. `I'm a big Polanski fan, so I'm always keen to see what he's doing,'' Miranda told AAP.

Polanski is currently under house arrest in Switzerland, where he is facing extradition to the United States for sentencing in a 1977 child sex case. Ewan said with The Ghost Writer, Polanski was ``on really top form'' and he had not heard of any negative public reaction towards the film because of the situation. ``I haven't met anybody that - There may well be but I haven't met anybody. Nobody's come up to tell me that,'' Ewanr told reporters on Sunday, adding that he enjoyed working with the director. ``Every director's great, different and unique. You can learn a lot working with someone who's a first time director as you can working with someone who's kind of a master.'' Ewan said he found The Ghost Writer's political storyline ``exciting'', but when it came to following the the British election, he wasn't so thrilled. ``I didn't really follow them to be honest. I'm not really interested in politics,''Ewan said. ``I don't ultimately think it makes very much difference, so I don't know. ``We (Britain) seem to have a Conservative Liberal Democrat government. How does that work? I thought they both had very different ideas about things and yet now they're both governing the country.''

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