
AOL-Chat mit Ewan McGregor

AOL Live Chat vom 28. Januar 2000

OnlineHost: Welcome to AOL Live Ewan McGregor! EwanMcLive: Thank you! AOLiveMC13: Let's start with this audience question. Question: First, Thank you for being here tonight. I have been hoping for this opportunity for a long time. Second, which role have you played is the most like you in real life? EwanMcLive: It's my pleasure to be here. EwanMcLive: Each role has different parts of me in them, EwanMcLive: do they're all like me. Question: hey ewan, my name's caitlin. you've got a great voice, did you have any singing experience before you started acting? by the way, TV Eye is a great song. EwanMcLive: I sang all through school in the school choir and solo. Question: Was Eye of the Beholder difficult to make? EwanMcLive: It was a complicated character to play. It was also very cold. EwanMcLive: But it was a fascinating character to work with. Question: wow! Soo, Ewan, what is your favourite thing to do hobbywise? EwanMcLive: Ride motorcycles. Question: I enjoyed your ER episode.Do you plan on doing any future T.V. episodes of any kind? EwanMcLive: I never have any plans, so, no, not at the moment. EwanMcLive: But who knows? Question: Hi, Ewan! I heard that Eye of The Beholder was filmed here in Canada. Is this true, and if so, where in Canada were you guys shooting? EwanMcLive: We shot in Montreal. EwanMcLive: It was completely shot in Canada. Question: How do you prepare for each role that you take? EwanMcLive: Some parts require research, some don't. EwanMcLive: Depends on the character and the time. Question: What was it that got you interested in acting? EwanMcLive: I had a passion for old black and white movies. EwanMcLive: Because of my love of that, I wanted to become an actor. Question: Ewan, I know most actors say that they bring part of themselves to a role. How much of yourself, your own personality is Obi-wan? EwanMcLive: Not much! LOL! Question: What color is your hair naturally? EwanMcLive: Naturally, I have reddish hair. It's black at the moment. Question: Mr. McGregor I really admire your work as a dramatic actor, but think you have a natural talent for comedy. Are you currently reviewing any comedic scripts? EwanMcLive: No, my next project is Star Wars, and the one I'm doing now is a musical. EwanMcLive: The one I'm doing now is more of a comedy than Star Wars. Question: How do you describe your eye color? In some pics they look blue or green or even grey. EwanMcLive: They're grey-bluey-greeney color! Question: who was a role model to you when you were growing up? EwanMcLive: My uncle, Denis. EwanMcLive: My acting hero was James Jewitt. Question: What attracted you to the role of the 'Eye' in Eye of the beholder? EwanMcLive: The script was unlike any I'd read before. EwanMcLive: And the character says very little. EwanMcLive: It's a very good cinematic device. Question: what was it like working with ashley judd? EwanMcLive: It was lovely to work with her. EwanMcLive: She's a fine actress. EwanMcLive: She's fantastic in the movie. Question: How did your acting carrer start? EwanMcLive: I walked backstage at a theater when I was 16, and from there trained in Scotland and in London for 4 year. I left drama school to film Lipstick On Your Collar. Question: Are you still able to go out in public and have a relatively *normal* life now that you are such a recognizable star? EwanMcLive: Yes, it's a different country. EwanMcLive: I'm in Australia now. EwanMcLive: *done Question: Ewan, did you get to keep the lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace"? EwanMcLive: No! They didn't let me keep it! EwanMcLive: I'll try and get it in the next one! Question: What do you like to do to relax from a stressful day on set? EwanMcLive: Come home to my family and watch a movie. Question: So ewan are you single or are you taken? EwanMcLive: Taken. I've been married since 1995, and I have a daughter, Clara. Question: What would be your dream project? EwanMcLive: It changes all the time. EwanMcLive: At the moment I'm making a musical. EwanMcLive: That's the project at the moment. Question: You were amazing on ER. Were you familiar with the show before you were on it? Had you acted on televison before that? EwanMcLive: Yes, I made a television series before. EwanMcLive: One of the reasons for doing ER was that it's a favorite show of mine. EwanMcLive: When they offered it to me, I jumped at the chance. Question: Are you a very social person? EwanMcLive: Yeah, I do enjoy going out. EwanMcLive: I enjoy my work because there are so many people involved in making a movie. Question: how those lightsabers work EwanMcLive: It's a secret! AOLiveMC13: The time has really slipped by, we have time for one final question. Question: How would you say the fame and notiriety you've acquired in the last 5 or so years have changed your life? EwanMcLive: Success brings more choice in your work. EwanMcLive: However, it can bring more pressure to the actor and his family. AOLiveMC13: Many thanks for being with us and taking our questions, Ewan McGregor. EwanMcLive: It's my pleasure! EwanMcLive: I look forward to the next time! AOLiveMC13: Thanks to the audience for being with us....goodnight OnlineHost: Copyright 2000 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


toTackle The Impossible With Ewan Mcgregor

NAOMI WATTS is set to team up with EWAN MCGREGOR for new movie THE IMPOSSIBLE - based on a true story which took place during the Asian tsunami disaster of 2004.

The film will mark the English-language directing debut of Spanish moviemaker Juan Antonio Bayona, best known for his creepy 2007 venture The Orphanage.

WATTS and MCGREGOR will begin filming the thriller in Alicante, Spain in August (10) before the production moves toThailand in October (10). The film is backed by movie bosses at Summit Entertainment, the production company behind the Twilight franchise, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The Asian tsunami was triggered by a massive earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004 - hundreds of thousands of people were killed along the coast of coutries including Thailand Sri Lanka and India as the giant wave destroyed massive swathes of populated areas.

enjoyed the dinner

Ewan McGregor, the Scottish star of “Star Wars,” “Moulin Rouge” and “Trainspotting,” said he thoroughly enjoyed the dinner — especially being in the same room as Obama. Ewan McGregor is flanked by his wife Eve Mavrakis (left) and incoming 'This Week' anchor Christiane Amanpour. | Photo by Nick Khazal/Vi PhotographyIf Friday and Saturday of White House Correspondents’ weekend is for dining and partying, Sunday provides the transition to peace and quiet, as the hoopla of the previous two nights gives way to calm and civilized brunches. For years, John McLaughlin’s brunch at the Hay-Adams hotel was the only game in town. But this year, a new party joined the mix: POLITICO owner Robert Allbritton and his wife, Elena, opened their stunning Georgetown mansion to a wide swath of VIPs eager for one more round of socializing before Washington's annual prom comes to a close.
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MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell and her husband, chef Geoff Tracy. | Photo by Nick Khazal/Vi PhotographClose

The brunch was hosted in the Allbritton's lush garden, which was adorned with huge floral centerpieces and topiary. Guests found a reprieve from the humidity in an air-conditioned and carpeted tent, while others enjoyed the long-awaited spring warmth around tables arranged outside.

Hors d'oeuvres arrived on silver trays along with mimosas, champagne, wine and bloody marys. Guests also sampled other brunch delicacies, including a fritatta and mango and crab salad. A crepe station was a crowd favorite.

As for the conversation, guests participated in much post-game analysis of the comic routines delivered by President Barack Obama and Jay Leno at Saturday's dinner.

"He was terrific!" declared Debbie Dingell of the president.

"I thought he was great!" seconded HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Perhaps no one knows better how Obama did than Bloomberg's Ed Chen, who got to sit next to the president thanks to his position as head of the White House Correspondents’ Association. Chen said that Obama brought up over dinner some of the concerns raised by White House reporters with regards to access and coverage. Obama also confessed to Chen that he hates being stared at by everyone at these events. Chen, it turns out, had quite an interesting weekend: Not only did he get some major face-time with the president, he also found out Sunday morning that his son had gotten engaged.

Sen. Scott Brown, dressed summer casual at the brunch — in khakis and a striped polo — said that he found his first White House Correspondents’ Dinner to be, er, interesting.

"Man, it’s crazy," said Brown, who was accompanied by his wife Gail Huff and his two daughters. "It was fun, but I'd still rather be watching the Celtics game."

Brown's daughter Arianna, a student at Syracuse, said she enjoyed the dinner and how out of the ordinary the whole event was.

"It was such an interesting night," she said. "There are all these interesting mixes of celebrities and politicians that make for such a unique time."

Brown's eldest daughter, Ayla, said the evening topped her real prom in high school. "The second time around was much better," she said.

She also said what most others did: Jay Leno could have done better.

Ewan McGregor, the Scottish star of “Star Wars,” “Moulin Rouge” and “Trainspotting,” said he thoroughly enjoyed the dinner — especially being in the same room as Obama.

"It was quite magical. I felt the hairs on my neck stand up," McGregor said.

McGregor and his wife didn't get to meet the president, but they vowed to return to Washington in the near future to tour the West Wing. (They did drive around to do a little night tour, seeing all the monuments lit up, they told POLITICO.)

HHS Secretary Sebelius said she was glad that she got to meet Morgan Freeman and Dennis Quaid, but mentioned that she didn't care so much about Justin Bieber.

"I've raised two 15 year olds, I don't need another," she said.

There was also plenty of chatter at this brunch about Obama's mention of POLITICO.

"Boy, that was unexpected," said one attendee.

"I bet you POLITICO guys loved that," said another.

Other notable guests included: Rep. John Dingell, Arianna Huffington, Bill Sammon, David Bohrman, Wolf Blitzer, Norah O'Donnell and Geoff Tracy, Betsy Fischer, Ben Bradlee, Sally Quinn, Chris and Kathleen Matthews, Bret and Amy Baier, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Tammy Haddad and Ted Greenberg, the Jonas Brothers, T. Boone Pickens, Jon Karl, Lloyd Grove, Howard Fineman, Michael Feldman, Savannah Guthrie, Christiane Amanpour, Ed Henry, Jake Tapper, Chris Cillizza, Rodell Mollineau, Katie Couric, Melody Barnes, Gary Locke, Dag Vega, Anita McBride, Juleanna Glover, Josh Earnest, Natalie Wyeth, Mark Leibovich, Jim Courtovich, Eric Schmidt, David Gregory, Gwen Ifill, John King and Dana Bash, Wayne and Catherine Reynolds, and Charlie Rose.

The Mayflower

The Mayflower Renaissance in Washington, D.C. got an instant face lift last night as Hollywood and D.C.’s brightest descended on its famed Grand Ballroom. The second best address in D.C. has thrown several inaugural balls throughout its 85-year old history as well as hosted guests from Monica Lewinsky, to Elliot George Fox Spitzer and Muhammed Ali. Fast forward to 2010 and history was made once again as Capitol File magazine, Renaissance Hotels and Bing hosted the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner after party. Guests like Kim Kardashian and Ewan McGregor couldn’t stop gushing about President Obamas comedic chops at the Dinner. And everyone agreed that the Mayflower was THE place to be in D.C.


In pictures: Stars are out for Barack Obama's White House dinner Published Date: 03 May 2010SCOTS actor Ewan McGregor and his wife Eve Mavrakis joined a host of celebrities as well as American President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner over the weekend.


McGregor- Watts

Summit nabs rights to film

'Impossible' is set during 2004 tsunami that hit Thailand

By Gregg Kilday

May 2, 2010, 06:23 PM ET Summit has added a second Naomi Watts feature to its release slate, with the announcement that it has picked up most worldwide rights to "The Impossible," in which Watts will co-star with Ewan McGregor.

Last week, Summit also acquired North American rights, along with several other territories, to Doug Liman's "Fair Game," in which Watts stars as outed CIA undercover operative Valerie Plame Wilson opposite Sean Penn. While "Game" is completed and will debut at the Festival de Cannes, "Impossible," which Juan Antonio Bayona is directing from a script by Sergio G. Sanchez, begins filming in August in Alicante, Spain before moving to Thailand in October. It is based on a true story that took place during the 2004 tsunami that hit the coast of Thailand. It is being produced by Belen Atienza, Lopez Lavigne and Alvaro Augustin for Spanish production companies Apaches Entertainment and Telecino Cinema, which are coproducing. Bayona and Sanchez previously collaborated on "The Orphanage," which Bayona directed, Sanchez wrote and Atienza and Augustin executive produced. Summit has acquired worldwide rights to "The Impossible," with the exception of Spain, where Warners will distribute. Summit International will begin selling rights to the film outside of North America at Cannes. David Garrett, Summer International president, and Michael Schaefer, Summit senior vp acquisitions and co-productions, will oversee the project for the company. Watts is repped by CAA and Untitled Entertainment. McGregor is repped by UTA, which also reps Apaches, and U.K. agent Lindy King of United Agents. Bayona is represented by WME.


Ewan and Eve in White House

My dear Ewan and his wife participated in a White House dinner