
European Film Awards

Winner: European Film Alexandre Desplat for European Composer Roman Polanski, Robert Harris for European Screenwriter Roman Polanski for European Director Albrecht Konrad for European Production Designer Ewan McGregor for European Actor
Nominations: European Film Roman Polanski for European Director Albrecht Konrad for European Production Designer Roman Polanski, Robert Harris for European Screenwriter Alexandre Desplat for European Composer Ewan McGregor for European Actor Hervé de Luze for European Editor
The Ghost Writer France, Germany, UK (128 min.) Synopsis When a successful British ghost writer, The Ghost, agrees to complete the memoirs of former British Prime Minister Adam Lang, his agent assures him it’s the opportunity of a lifetime. But the project seems doomed from the start - not least because his predecessor on the project, Lang’s long-term aide, died in an unfortunate accident. The Ghost flies out to work on the project, in the middle of winter, in an oceanfront house on an island off the US Eastern seaboard. But the day after he arrives, a former British cabinet minister accuses Lang of authorizing the illegal seizure of suspected terrorists and handing them over for torture by the CIA—a war crime. The controversy brings reporters and protesters swarming to the island mansion where Lang is staying with his wife, Ruth, and his personal assistant (and mistress), Amelia. As The Ghost works, he begins to uncover clues suggesting his predecessor may have stumbled on a dark secret linking Lang to the CIA—and that somehow this information is hidden in the manuscript he left behind. Was Lang in the service of the American intelligence agency while he was prime minister? And was The Ghost’s predecessor murdered because of the appalling truth he uncovered? Resonating with topical themes, this atmospheric and suspenseful political thriller is a story of deceit and betrayal on every level – sexual, political and literary. In a world in which nothing, and no one, is as it seems, The Ghost quickly discovers that the past can be deadly -- and that history is decided by whoever stays alive to write it.
Film Details Director: Roman Polanski Screenwriter: Roman Polanski, Robert Harris Producer: Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde Director of Photography: Pawel Edelman Main cast: Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim Cattrall, Olivia Williams, Tom Wilkinson

Ewan McGregor 'Ghost Writer'

Roman Polanski's 'Ghost Writer' Tops European Film Awards

Roman Polanski's "The Ghost Writer" was the big winner at Saturday's European Film Awards, where it won awards for Best European Film, Best European Director and Best European Actor (Ewan McGregor), as well as receiving honors for its screenplay, music and production design.

Polanski's political thriller is considered a longshot in the Oscar race, but its six wins at the ceremony in Tallinn, Estonia far outpaced "Lebanon," which won two awards. No other film won more than one.

The show was hosted by German comedian Anke Engelke and Estonian actor Mart Avandi.

The winners:

European Film: "The Ghost Writer" European Film Academy Animated Feature Film: "The Illusionist" European Film Academy Documentary – Prix Arte: "Nostalgia De La Luz" ("Nostalgia for the Light") European Director: Roman Polanski, "The Ghost Writer" European Actor: Ewan McGregor, "The Ghost Writer" European Actress: Sylvie Testud, "Lourdes" European Screenwriter: Robert Harris and Roman Polanski, "The Ghost Writer" European Editor: Luc Barnier and Marioin Monnier, "Carlos" European Composer: Alexandre Desplat, "The Ghost Writer" Carlo Di Palma European Cinematographer Award: Giora Bejach, "Lebanon" European Production Designer: Albrecht Konrad, "The Ghost Writer" European Discovery – Prix Fipresci: "Lebanon" The People's Choice Award for Best European Film: "Mr. Nobody" European Achievement in World Cinema: Gabriel Yared European Film Academy Short Film: "Hanoi – Warszawa" ("Hanoi – Warsaw") European Co-Production Award – Prix Eurimages: Zeynep Ozbatur Atakan European Film Academy Lifetime Achievement Award: Bruno Ganz


Sundance Film Festival

Perfect Sense starring Ewan , will appear in the Sundance Film Festival January 24, 2011

David Mackenzie's "Perfect Sense" with Ewan McGregor, Eva Green to Screen at Sundance Film Festival

David Mackenzie's "Perfect Sense" with Ewan & Eva Green will indeed screen at the Sundance Film Festival next month.
Previously known as "The Last Word" the newest motion picture from Sigma Films' own David Mackenzie will premiere at the US festival next month, with a tentative date set for JANUARY 24.


Ewan : God ‘a bit upset’ by LHC experiment

Large Hadron Collider Celebrity News: Ewan , chosen once again as the emissary of God yesterday, expressed how the supreme being was left feeling ‘ miffed’ by the latest CERN experiment.

“Basically,” said God via Ewan, “I’m obviously chuffed that you humans have got this far. I just wanted to let you know that it’s not that simple and you’ve a long way to go before you can roll like me.”

ewan mcgregor, large hadron collider

In order to deflect some of the worldwide media attention back onto himself, God staged a rival experiment in the early hours of this morning. Using Wembley Stadium as his arena, and with Ewan as his witness, God successfully created two mini Big Bangs, doubling the number achieved by the Large Hadron Collider in France, before going on to create perpetual fireworks in a variety of colours and forms and finishing with a soup that heats itself


Thousands in Scotland rally to defend RAF base at Lossiemouth

RAF Lossiemouth closure
Thousands of people marched yesterday to oppose the possible closure of the RAF Tornado base at Lossiemouth in Scotland, as Nato's secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, described the scale of Britain's defence cuts as a "matter of concern".

An estimated 6,000 people marched through the town in Moray before attending a rally, following reports that the fleet of fighter jets could be moved to a base in Norfolk as part of the ongoing defence review.

Among those taking part was Alex Salmond, the Scottish first minister and SNP leader; the leaders of Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats in Scotland, Iain Gray, Annabel Goldie and Tavish Scott; and Colin McGregor, the brother of Ewan and a former Tornado pilot at Lossiemouth.

Ewan released a statement saying he was shocked the base was under threat: "I had the privilege to fly from RAF Lossiemouth in the back of a Tornado piloted by my brother Colin. It was evident to me that Lossiemouth and the Highlands offer the very best training environment for Tornado crews who continue to be the RAF front line in Afghanistan."

Closure of Lossiemouth and the nearby RAF base at Kinloss "would be devastating to this close-knit community and the effects would be far-reaching", he added.

The defence secretary, Liam Fox, said the government would look in the coming months at "the regional implications" of changes to the two bases, saying it was possible Lossiemouth could become an army garrison. "We have said we are going to have to lose some types of assets, but we will be bringing the army back from Germany and we have to put them somewhere," Fox told Sky News.

Also speaking yesterday, Rasmussen, the former Danish prime minister who has headed Nato since last year, indicated his support for themilitary co-operation agreement signed last week by the UK and France as a way of plugging gaps in a time of cutbacks.

But asked on BBC1's Politics Show whether the British defence cuts were a matter for concern, he replied: "Of course it's a matter of concern. But I am convinced the UK will fully live up to her commitments in our alliance."


First Poster and Synopsis for THE IMPOSSIBLE Starring Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts

Steve spent the day at the American Film Market (AFM) and nabbed a shot of the poster for The Impossible along with the film’s synopsis. The movie stars Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor, Tom Holland, and is director Juan Antoino Bayona’s follow-up to The Orphanage. Hit the jump to check out the poster and the synopsis.


New movie

Bay City Rollers legend Les McKeown: I'm enjoying life.. and I want Ewan to play me in film

BAY City Rollers legend Les McKeown wants Ewan to play him in a planned upcoming biopic about his life.

McKeown, now 54, also hopes the film release will coincide with a reunion tour by the group next year.

Les has sold the film rights to his biography Shang-a-Lang. He says the film will chart his time with the Scottish band and subsequent battles with alcoholism and drug abuse.

He also wants Sir Sean Connery to come out of retirement to play sleazy Tam Paton. He was the former Bay City Rollers manager who died last year and was jailed in 1982 for gross indecency with teenage boys. Child sex abuse charges against him were dropped in 2003.

Les revealed: “In the movie, my story will be mixed with the stories of the other guys from the Bay City Rollers.

“I’d like to play me but I can’t turn the clock back. Ewan would be great for it. I’d like Sean Connery to play the evil and nasty Tam Paton. If not, we can have Philip Seymour Hoffman.”

Speaking about the 60-date Bay City Rollers reunion tour planned for next September and October, Les said: “I’m not supposed to talk about it but plans are afoot to go on tour in autumn of next year and it is going to be great. I don’t consider myself seriously fit but I’m fit enough.

“I did a 32-date tour earlier this year called Rollermania, telling the story of the Bay City Rollers, which was very successful and I am doing it again next year.”

Les, who claims he was raped by Paton as a teenager, says he has now forgiven the man he blames for years of self-loathing and an eventual nervous breakdown.

He kept the abuse by Paton a secret for decades.

He said: “It was difficult to talk about because I was in the public eye. Ask any victim that and they will tell you the same thing – the shame.

“Can you imagine a wee Bay City Roller coming out with that, considering the hold Paton had on us? No.

“Now I read the papers, look on the news and the internet and see that I am certainly not the only one. For instance, look at what is happening in the Catholic Church.

“I am just one of many people who have been abused in this way. It’s all out in the open now and I am just another ex-victim, though I choose now not to be a victim. I choose life.

“It was a long time ago. I was a teenager. Young people are very resilient and can put these things away and foolishly think they are gone. But this festered in my subconscious and contributed greatly to my breakdown.”

Having blocked out his problems with booze and cocaine, Les was eventually informed by doctors, in 2008, that he had only months to live.

He turned his life around when he went on Living TV show Rehab. As part of the healing process, he revealed he’d been having secret gay flings for 30 years.

This was something he hadn’t told his Japanese wife Peko, or son Richard, 25.

Les said: “Of course, it was difficult for them to hear me talk about it and to see the state I was in but, in a simple sense, it is better that I am here alive and changed.

“My family is back together. I have a great relationship with my wife and my son. My business is also back on track.

“I have had liver function tests almost every month. My liver is looking good and my blood-sugar level is back down.”

“I suppose it’s like being in hell one minute and heaven the next. The last two years have been brilliant. Before, I was in a very dark place, I was very, very low, full of self-loathing, self-harming and self-doubt.

“By self-harm, I mean the alcohol and drugs. The self-harm people do on the outside is one thing, but look at the harm alcohol and drugs do to your insides.

“I have done permanent damage. There are parts of my liver which won’t recover, but the rest of it has bounced back.”

Referring to Paton’s death last year from a suspected heart attack, he said: “Tam Paton affected me until I went into rehab. Most of my problems stemmed from his interaction with me and what a nasty b*****d he was.

“I’ve got over that now. I forgave him in 2008. That’s one of the ways you get out of someone having a hold over your psyche. It’s one of the therapies I went through and it has worked for me.”

In their mid-70s heydays, the Bay City Rollers consisted of singer Les, guitarists Eric Faulkner and Stuart Wood, bassist Alan Longmuir and drummer Derek Longmuir.

They topped the charts around the world with songs such as Bye Bye Baby, Give A Little Love and Saturday Night.

But the band, who sold 70 million records, failed to collect the bulk of the royalties owed to them.

This month sees the release of Rollermania, a four-CD boxset charting the band’s career.

Next up, McKeown plans to go to court with the other band members to recoup lost royalties of £100million.

Les said: “Shall we get paid? My attitude is to get on with my life and, if the money comes along, brilliant.

“The old Les McKeown was overtaken by the depressed, alcoholic, coke-taking Les McKeown. I’m glad I got rid of him.

“Part of my problem was that people were screwing my life up. Now, things have changed.”


Spotting Ewan

Ewan in the country in the world. But now the love has landed left coast, which shows the new fashion for this season